Salinity Studies in Quinoa (Quinoa Chenipodoum Willd) from Haditha Desert, Western of Iraq


  • Saifulldeen A. Salim Center of Desert Studies, University of Anbar, Iraq
  • Firas T. Rasheed Office of Agricultural Research, Ministry of Agriculture, Iraq
  • Utoor H. Al-Deen Office of Agricultural Research, Ministry of Agriculture, Iraq



NaCl Salinity, Quinoa Genotypes, Germination Percentage, Ion Distribution, Salinity Tolerance


The present studies were conducted to determine the effect of various concentrations of NaCl salinity on germination and growth of four genotypes of Quinoa Chenopodium Willd, namely G1 (KVL-SR2), G2 (Q-21), G3 (Q-37), and G4 (Regalona), exposed to 0, 60, 120, and 300 mM NaCl. The study was conducted at the Center of Desert Research, Egypt, and the experiment was carried out in the Plant Physiology Laboratory of the Center of Desert Studies. Seeds were treated with four different levels of NaCl concentration: 0, 60, 120, and 300 mM. The experiment followed a Completely Randomized Design with three replications. The germination experiment aimed to determine the effect of NaCl salinity on seed germination percentage. Seeds were placed in autoclaved petri dishes lined with two layers of filter paper, with fifty seeds per dish. Seeds were treated with 0, 60, 120, and 300 mM NaCl solutions (5 mL). The petri dishes were kept in the laboratory at temperatures ranging from 25°C to 28°C for four weeks. Water loss from the petri dishes due to evaporation was monitored using control petri dishes, and water was added every 24 hours as needed. A pot experiment was conducted using plastic pots containing 1700 grams of fine-sieved soil. Seeds of the aforementioned genotypes were sown in 500 grams of soil, separated from the rest of the pot's soil by a polythene sheet. Plants were watered on alternate days and subjected to salinity treatment 25 days after sowing. Fifty milliliters of nutrient solution (N ratio of 6:4) were also added to the salt solution per pot. The salt solution was applied to the 1200 grams of soil in the pot, and after complete absorption, the polythene sheet separating the soil containing plantlets was removed, allowing the roots of the seedlings to grow into the saline soil in the lower half of the pot. Thinning was done after one week, maintaining five plants per pot. The plants were harvested one month after the salinity treatment. It was observed that the germination percentage decreased as the salinity level increased. G1 was tolerant, while G4 was salt-sensitive compared to the other genotypes. Plant height, number of leaves, and number of nodes per plant decreased with increasing salt concentration. G3 was least affected, followed by G2, G1, and G4. Fresh weight, dry weight, and percentage water content of the plants also significantly decreased with increased salinity. The distribution of Na+ ions in various plant parts showed a high concentration in the roots, stem, leaf blade, and leaf sheath of all genotypes. The highest concentration of Na+ ions was found in the leaf sheath of all genotypes, followed by the stem, root, and leaf blade, with high water content even under the highest salt levels. An effective partition of Na+ and Cl- ions in the leaf sheath and the transport of K+ to the physiologically important leaf blade were observed in G1, while other genotypes did not exhibit this efficiency. The specific ion effect of NaCl on the total N status of plants was most pronounced in G1, followed by G2 and G3, while G4 maintained optimal N levels in the root and leaf blade. The tolerant genotype G1 could be utilized for rehabilitation in salt-affected areas.


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How to Cite

Salim, S. A., Rasheed, F. T., & Al-Deen, U. H. (2024). Salinity Studies in Quinoa (Quinoa Chenipodoum Willd) from Haditha Desert, Western of Iraq. Asian Journal of Science and Applied Technology, 13(2), 6–13.